Los Angeles Pet Emergency Room and Urgent Care
When your pet suffers a sudden accident or illness, you want to take them to a pet emergency room where they will receive top quality care. TrueCare for Pets is the 24/7/365 emergency vet clinic that can provide you and your pet with exactly what you need during those times when your primary veterinarian is unavailable, after hours, and on holidays.
We know your pets are part of your family, and so the pet emergency room in our animal hospital is a lot like the one where you take the human members of your family. Our triage staff accesses the urgency of your situation to determine the priority for care and give you peace of mind that your pet is important to us. The most severe injuries and illnesses are seen first in order to assure that those who need it the most are given prompt care. And since emergency services are all we provide, you’ll never have to worry about being squeezed in between appointments for standard care. When you and your pet are frightened by sudden veterinary emergency, there is no better place than our pet hospital.
After Hours Urgent Pet Care
We’re not here to replace your regular animal hospital. Our hours of operation are primarily weekday evenings and overnights, as well as 24 hours on weekends and holidays when other Los Angeles animal hospitals aren’t available. Our Studio City pet emergency room handles the immediate crisis and seamlessly passes care to your regular pet hospital.
Pet emergencies don’t always occur during “bankers’ hours” that’s why we are open when your Los Angeles pet needs that midnight trip to the pet emergency room and your emergency vet clinic is closed.